If you’re between the ages of 14 and 24 and have an idea or an ongoing project focused on protecting or restoring nature in your local community, consider applying for the Iris Prize 2024. The Iris Project grants three awards annually, complemented by a capacity-building program delivered locally and peer-to-peer mentoring facilitated by their Advisory Panel.

The Iris Prize recognizes the diverse forms of nature restoration, from traditional land stewardship to innovative technological solutions. It aims to support both new ideas and established projects, addressing the challenges that often hinder young people from advocating for nature-related initiatives.
Grant details
- Seed prize – $5,000 (Ages 14-24): Awarded to a young person or team with an innovative idea to protect and/or restore nature locally.
- Stem Prize – $10,000 (Ages 16 – 24): Awarded to an existing project recently established and operating on a small scale.
- Iris Prize – $15,000 (Ages 16 – 24): Awarded to an established project with potential for replication and scalability.
Eligibility criteria
You are eligible if your:
- The project or organization is led by someone aged 14 to 24. For Iris Prize eligibility, most leadership roles must be held by young people with project autonomy and decision-making authority.
- Support for the principle of nature protection and restoration, as well as the rights of those advocating for it.
- Welcome projects associated with larger organizations or NGOs, provided that young leaders maintain full autonomy and decision-making power.
- Safety and well-being are priorities for prize participants, especially for minors who require collaboration with a local organization or NGO acting as a fiscal sponsor.
Application deadline
The deadline for applications is April 30, 2024. If you meet the eligibility criteria, apply here: https://theirisproject.org/how-to-apply#apply. For more details, visit the Iris Prize website.
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